Monday, August 16, 2010

Eat, Pray, Love -- Give up Worry

Yesterday, my wonderful sister-in-law, Holly, and I went to see Julia Robert's new flick, Eat, Pray, Love. While I'm a huge J.R. fan, the movie was pretty slow, and I wouldn't necessarily recommend it (especially if you're planning on seeing a movie with a guy!).

Although the movie wasn't my cup of tea, it struck up a really great conversation between Holly and me about worry.  We both know so many people who have wasted much time in life worrying about things to come or dwelling on things after they happen.

"Cast your cares on the LORD and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous fall." -- Psalm 55:22

I came across this article today, and it really spoke to me: Give up Worry by Recognizing it as a Bad Habit - How to Put Boundaries Around Worry- It outlines some guidelines for dealing with worry:

  1. Control worry, don't let it control you.
  2. Differentiate realistic concern from worry.
  3. Keep lifting even when the weight feels too heavy.
  4. Focus on just the facts: Knowledge is power.
  5. Remember: Worry doesn't keep you safe. 
  6. Don't "what if" off a cliff.
  7. Think in the "for-now," not in the "for-ever."
  8. Be a scout: Be prepared.
  9. Wear your invisible shield (confidence).
Isn't God so wonderful that He shows you exactly what you need to see right when you need to see it the most?!  Beliefnet is a great source of advice and tips on how Christians should live their daily lives. I highly recommend checking it out. This article was so wonderful, because it reinforced what I already know is true. God has a plan for those who are called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28), and His timing is perfect. Be patient, and rely on Him.
"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." -- Matthew 6:34


  1. Awesome blog Amber! I definitely needed to read this today. I have faith God has so much in store for you!!
    Love ya- Lauren

  2. Thanks for the positive messages - you are so awesome!

  3. Agreed! Love the message - I need that reminder every now and then!
